iCULTURE Kick-off meeting

We had a successful kick off meeting of the new Horizon Europe project iCULTURE, coordinated by the Norwegian University of Science and Technology! The kick off meeting of iCULTURE was held in Porto on the 18th and 19th of September 2023 and was attended also by project officer Salvatore Martire, who shared with the consortium some expectations from European Commission and key messages for project implementation. During the kick off meeting, partners presented and discussed future activities, with the ambitious goals of the project clearly in mind. iCULTURE is highly diverse, cross-disciplinary consortium, consisting of 17 partners from 10 countries. European expertise on ICT, bioinformatics, biodiversity, biotechnology, synthetic biology and bioprocessing is combined to strive to achieve the project 's ambitious goals: develop a set of digital toolboxes that can prospect for new species of seaweed, utilize these in microbial fermentation, and understand how to use them responsibly and sustainably.